Sunday, January 18, 2009

I have a mental disorder...please give me a cat

okay, okay...So I have a problem.
I am so terribly in love with cats!
But the other day the most amazing thing happened.
I was at the mail box and I turned around and
there was the cutest orange cat running towards me.
Usually, I chase cats half way down the street before turning
around with my head down.
This was the friendliest cat I've ever encountered.
She proceeded to follow me home. So I did what any human with a soul would do...
I got her some milk

But she looked like she was really lonely so I invited her in...but don't tell my roommate
And if you do read this, She went straight to my room.

And we played chase the tail comb. I think she liked it too.

I wonder what kitty is doing right now. I bet she's not playing tail comb


Deanna said...

Hey cat lady!
That cat is cute, and looks so happy. It makes me want to rent one. So did you buy her that collar too?

Megan said...

hey ashley! i had forgotten you had a blog and so i haven't been keeping up and then i found it again and was like "Shaweeeet"!cute fur ball. sooo are you keeping her ?! or did you just play with her for a day?

Ashley said...

She is my booty call cat. When I want to play with her, I go outside and she comes running up the stairs. I WISH I could keep her!

The Douglas Family said...

Ash, Do you remember punkin? He was the best cat we ever had. Anyway, that's how we got him, he was just passing by and decided to stay.

Ashley said...

Yes! I loved Pumpkin! Ya she keeps coming around and I keep feeding her. I'm hoping that she'll stay around for awhile.

Lindsey said...

Maybe that cat can be kitty's boyfriend. Next time you see him you need to get kitty on the phone.

Ashley said...

Lindsey, you'd better believe I'm holding you to that. Maybe kitty can tell him what happens when you make the couch your clawing post.

Jess said...

Yep! I got an old open back picture frame (found dumpster diving one strange afternoon), a piece of 1/8" plywood from lowes so it fit exactly and a can of chalkboard spray paint. :)

Ashlyn Marie Hanna said...

I found you~

MeL said...

Hello hygiene school! Isn't it the worst? I kind of hate its guts, but am really okay with the fact that I'm almost done and it pays the bills! Anyhoo, I'm glad that you came out of the blog stalker closet...and I'm glad that you're not private! I think that when I tried to check you out once in the past you were private and I was sad.

Kelsie said...

yay when are you coming here? we totally should hang out!! you better call us... or ELSE!

Jess said...

Yes'm. Josh is a pretty swell guy. :)

Warrior Princesa said...

i reconize these cats!!! lol.

Busy Bee Lauren said...

My husband is SOOOO in love with cats haha! Cute kitty!

I got my beadspread from Target, but I think it is discontinued now :(

Keep coming to my blog! I love new people :) Yours is way cute!

Lindsey said...

I need your address.