Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today is my sister Shanna's Birthday

I love her and her family so much!

(Yeah, I'm part of the family too!)

I love that I live so close and we can do lots of fun stuff together.
I miss living with you & all the fun stuff we did together.


Just hanging out

(With food & family)

And you do awesome stuff like take me on really fun,
Once in a life time trips
(this was the best vacation ever)

You are so awesome and I am so glad you're my sister.
I love you!


The Douglas Family said...

hey Ash,

That was a sweet blog. Shanna is a great sister, I love her to. Did you have a nice thanksgiving?
Love ya

Deanna said...

Happy Birthday to Shanna! I'm glad/jealous that you get to spend so much time with her. Cute pictures!