Monday, September 15, 2008

No school= vacation

This summer I had a two month break in between semesters and Vince had about 2 weeks :( So for our time off from school we decided to spend our time with Lindsey and Chris at the happiest place on earth: Six Flags. It was the perfect place to go for a weekend off work, a cheap trip and a good time. I think everyone was pretty annoyed every time I got in the car. I've been reading the twilight books (lame I know) but I can't put them down. Bethany, I'm on your side. Lindsey, shut up. I have 1 1/2 to finish before I start school at the end of this month and I must finish at all cost.....I ended up getting my precious book taken away. Which is gay because it made the car ride so much more enjoyable :)

Well, we finally made it to six flags and headed for the first ride: x2. We waited in line for about three hours in the blazing hot sun waiting for this ride. Six flags would be
so much cooler if it wasn't so hot. I'm not sure if you can tell but I am secretly dying in this picture and instantly regretting wearing two shirts.

But so excited to ride the roller coasters. The last time Vince and I went to Six Flags I freaked out on a roller coaster and scared the poo out of Vince. This time I made it a goal to have fun on all the rides and I was so proud of myself. I was calm on all the rides and had such a good time.

My favorite rides were Tatsu, X2, and Goliath. My least favorite rides were deja vu and the viper.

The day we went home we spent the afternoon down town where we had lunch and watched the street performers. It was cool and I had thebest lunch I think I've ever had. We finished it up with our favorite dessert; gelato.

After hanging out downtown all morning we went to the Getty. Even though I spent an entire day at the Getty I wasn't exactly sure what it was. So I asked wikipedia. You'll learn everything you ever wanted to know about the Getty and more. The Getty sits at the top of a hill so you have to take a train to get there. It's really cool but I was a little worried we were going to collide with another train...I can't explain why, you just have to experience it.

It was a lot of fun. Vince and I walked around the entire grounds looking at all the art work. The coolest part was the gardens out side. Everything about the Getty was artistic. We walked around smelling the flowers, listening to music, and eating ice cream sandwiches. The gardens over looked LA so it was so nice to see that LA can have a good side since it is so ugly.

The Getty also has an area where they let you explore your artistic abilities. Lindsey, Chris and I decided to make the best of it. Chris had the best looking art piece but he also does this for a living, I think. Lindsey's is just...Lindsey. It's cute...but Lindsey, it's been done.

I am a super crappy drawer so it took me forever to come up with this hand.

And this is what it was suppose to be.


Lindsey said...

How dare you read a book in front of me on vacation.

Also, what do you mean my picture has been done before. That was an original, beyotch.

Bethany said...

Dear Rash...
How do you feel about the big conspiracy to have a one world government?
Love always,

Deanna said...

yay you finally updated! looks like your trip was fun!

Bethany said...

Maybe yes. haha You didn't tell me what you thought tho! He says Vince is all into it too... Tell me more.

Hina Schneider said...

Cute pics. Six flags is the best and so much fun. I hope things are going great with trying to get into Hygienne school.