Monday, June 16, 2008

Can We Still Be Friends?!

It has been far too long since I have posted a blog. I know what you're thinking and the answer is yes, I did forget my password and user name. Well, in addition to that, I also lack a lot of motivation to write a blog as often as I'd like. I have been so wrapped up in school it has been hard. You would think that I would have plenty of time to work on a blog since I don't have a job and I am only taking one class. However, my class is actually pretty challenging. Two weeks ago I started a five week Organic Chemistry class. I figured it would be a piece of cake given my circumstance. I was quickly put in my place the first day of class. Just a few seconds into summer school my teacher handed out this lovely piece of advice. This is my pledge to Organic Chemistry 230:

By signing this, I acknowledge I understand that satisfactory performance in the Chem 230 5-week summer session will more likely demand huge amounts of my time. I understand the course will cover all the material normally covered in the 15-week session of Chem 230. It is my responsibility alone to learn all the required material. Chem 230 in 5 weeks will probably be the most ridiculously intense and challenging course I will ever take, and I accept this challenge willingly.*

This week is midterms which means I only have 2 more weeks to go...this is my only motivation!


As creepy as this picture is I think it accurately describes how I feel. I'm pretty sure that my head will explode after this class due to an excess of learned material.
They really should add this disclaimer on to the summer pledge.
*Caution: May cause heads to explode.


Deanna said...

School is making you sound so smart. You write like your blog is a documentary (the A&E channel, not like MTV). Impressive!!

Deanna said...

And.. I like your new background!

Ashley said...

Thanks Deanna.
It's because I'm not sure what to do with all this extra knowledge....I guess it's coming out in my writing :)Before college I must have talked like a cave woman. Here's my rendition:

Ashley glad Deanna like new background. Took long time. Three hours took it. Ashley love magic keys...jingle jangle jingle jangle :/